Sunday, May 18, 2008

a few new things!

Lately it seems like we've been really busy and also doing some things we don't normally do. Here's just the short list;
-Hailey and I went to see Romeo & Juliet (her best friend had a part), put on by the 3 high schools and Davenport (our elementary school)
-tried fried pickles (not exactly low fat - but suprisingly good)
-The girls participated in a musical (the Tale of Three Trees)
-Been to a whole lot of birthday parties. (6 in the last two weeks)
-Hailey has started some training for her 2nd triathalon
-Chris has been helping with a Habitat build (3 houses in 3 days)
-I have finally come to realize I love my yoga class and look forward to going.
-We've been trying to wean the kids off of SpongeBob ( Arthur just doesn't cut it anymore - it's a sad day)

just a few thoughts before the craziness of our days take over again!


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