Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Mom! That's me, that word means I'm in charge. Am I grown up enough to do it - to handle it? These past few weeks have pushed me and challenged me to step up to the plate. We've been short-changed, overlooked and been on a computer generated list without so much as a thought if that what was best for my kids. confused? me too. I've had to go to bat for my kids 3 times in the last two weeks and I feel exhausted- mentally! I can't really give specifics but I know what I want for my kids and I know what will benefit them the most and I had to go up against some tough circumstances. With the prayers and advice of friends we made it! We got what we wanted for Hailey and Cassidy and the funny thing is. they never even knew that I was fighting for them and what I knew was best!!!! Thank you Jesus!!!
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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Summer Adventure

(Hailey & her friend Valerie)
It's already August and school will be starting in about 2 weeks. It feels like we have been on the go ever since the beginning of June when the girls finished school. We've already got our supplies and today we finished VBS. The summer has been packed with horseback riding, cooking classes, adventure camp, some 4-H classes and a trip to the water park. We also had a wonderful experience of blueberry picking at the home of Ms. Ethel and in her we met a real inspirational lady which was the biggest highlight for us. Some friends introduced us to her and we could hardly tear ourselves away. She is almost 70 and puts me to shame. We have had a great (but extremely hot) summer and I know at least Cassidy is ready to get back to school. Hailey will be in her last year of elementary school this year - I can't really believe it!! Someone once told me "the days can go by really slow but the years just fly by" - how true!
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Saturday, July 5, 2008

One of her favorite things to do

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Horse & Rider

Well our summer is in full swing! The kids have been keeping busy with swimming, biking, horseback riding (Cassidy is our real enthusiast and will talk your ear off about horses), trips to the library and playing with friends. So far Hailey has taken a kids cooking class and is looking forward to adventure camp again next week. Cass is enrolled in two mini horse camps in July. As for us, Chris is off to Florida on Monday and then to Kansas two weeks after that. I have been enjoying the wonderfully hot weather and being able to have a flexible schedule now that school is finished for the summer!!
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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

2nd Place!

Hailey took 2nd place again this year in the Karson Carroll Kids Triathlon! She also beat her time from last year and we were so proud of her!!
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Sunday, May 18, 2008

a few new things!

Lately it seems like we've been really busy and also doing some things we don't normally do. Here's just the short list;
-Hailey and I went to see Romeo & Juliet (her best friend had a part), put on by the 3 high schools and Davenport (our elementary school)
-tried fried pickles (not exactly low fat - but suprisingly good)
-The girls participated in a musical (the Tale of Three Trees)
-Been to a whole lot of birthday parties. (6 in the last two weeks)
-Hailey has started some training for her 2nd triathalon
-Chris has been helping with a Habitat build (3 houses in 3 days)
-I have finally come to realize I love my yoga class and look forward to going.
-We've been trying to wean the kids off of SpongeBob ( Arthur just doesn't cut it anymore - it's a sad day)

just a few thoughts before the craziness of our days take over again!


Monday, April 28, 2008

Well it's official, we have a 10 year old - hard to believe! She now has her first MP3 player and her sister can play in peace! Right now it's all about Hawk Nelson and nothing else! Hailey invited 10 girls to her party and had a great time with her friends. Instead of receiving gifts, she asked for donations to go toward "Locks of Love". She now has $70 to donate! Happy Birthday Peanut! (can I still call her that?)
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