Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Mom! That's me, that word means I'm in charge. Am I grown up enough to do it - to handle it? These past few weeks have pushed me and challenged me to step up to the plate. We've been short-changed, overlooked and been on a computer generated list without so much as a thought if that what was best for my kids. confused? me too. I've had to go to bat for my kids 3 times in the last two weeks and I feel exhausted- mentally! I can't really give specifics but I know what I want for my kids and I know what will benefit them the most and I had to go up against some tough circumstances. With the prayers and advice of friends we made it! We got what we wanted for Hailey and Cassidy and the funny thing is. they never even knew that I was fighting for them and what I knew was best!!!! Thank you Jesus!!!
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